Saturday 1 December 2018

A Purification Ritual

Items required - a bowl of water and a towel; a candle and incense, and matches to light them.

Standing, say out loud:
I call upon the Great and One Divine, the All Being, Source of Light and Truth,
of All that Is, All that has been, and All that will be,
before whom I acknowledge and repent of my actions and my inactions
that have not been in accordance with Thy will and law,
and which have not been for Good, Truth, or Love.

Lighting the candle, say out loud:
I light this light as a sign and symbol of Your eternal presence.

Turning to the four directions, say out loud:
I call upon the beings of North, East, South and West 
to witness this my confession and supplication.

Raising the candle (carefully) high and low, say out loud:
I call upon the Earth and the Sky to witness my petition and my penitence.

Kneeling, say out loud:
Forgive my self-ishness and my fear
which have caused me to be
less than your creature who I was born to be.
Forgive me that I have strayed from your Way,
and, in your mercy and compassion,
guide me again and bring me at last Home to You.

Washing the hands, say out loud:
By this Water, may I be made clean.

Lighting the incense, say out loud:
By this holy Fire, may I be re-made in Thy image.

Silence is kept.

At the right time, stand and, turning in a circle, lifting arms out to the sides, then above the head, down with the palms out, and then into the Namaste/prayer pose, say out loud:

It is done; I am re-newed.
By Water, Fire, Air, and Earth,
before the witnesses of North and West and South and East,
I am restored, to walk again the Way of Life,
seeking with thankfulness to live
not for my self alone, but to share Thy Light,
who art the Great and One Divine,
the All Being, Source of Light and Truth,
of All that Is, All that has been, and All that will be.
Peace be with us all.

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