Saturday 1 December 2018

The cosmology of Simon Magus

  • Fire is the first, unbegotten, principle of all things, containing both male and female aspects, the male being hidden, the female being manifest in Silence.
  • Through Silence, Fire created six roots/powers in three male/female polarities or syzergies: Mind/Power and Thought, Voice and Name, and Reason and Reflection/Plan
  • Mind and Thought became separate beings forming an infinite 'Middle Space' between them. 
  • Thought saw Mind and named his image 'Father'. This 'Father', resulting from the image of the Mind and the perception of Thought, is androgynous and sometimes referred to as Mother-Father. 
  • The Mother-Father is manifest in six Aeons/Eternities, which parallel the roots of Fire: Heaven and Earth, Sun and Moon, Air and Water
  • Mind, who understood the will of the Father/Thought to create itself, descended to the lower/third world and produced the angels who created the Cosmos after the model of the six aeons. 
  • Thought transported the Breath/Spirit of the Father into the Cosmos to rule it, thus creating Primeval Man as the male-female image of the father.
  • The angels wished to rule the Cosmos themselves and therefore divided Primeval Man into two genders which, desiring to unit, increased their separation by multiplying their number. 
  • Thought was captured, enclosed within human form, and undergoes endless reincarnation.

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