Saturday 1 December 2018

What do you know about Spica?

  • Spica is the brightest star of the constellation of Virgo, and one of the twenty brightest stars in the night sky. 
  • Along with Denebola or Reulus and Arcturus, Spica is part of the Spring Triangle Asterism and, with Cor Caroli, is part of the Great Diamond. 
  • Spica is believed to be the star that gave Hipparchus the data that led him to discover the precession of the Equinoxes. 
  • The name Spica derives from the Latin 'spica virginis' - the virgin's ear of grain/wheat, or 'Virgin's Spike'. She is known in Arabic as Sumbalet - Corn Ear. 
  • A temple to Menat at Thebes was oriented with reference to Spica when it was built in 3200 BCE, although over time Spica's location has of course changed relative to the temple. 
  • Menat later evolved into the sky/solar goddess Hathor, mother and/or consort of the sky god Horus and the sun god Ra, who carried a stalk of papyrus as her staff (hence the ear of corn/wheat/grain perhaps?) and helped the souls of the dead in their transition to the afterlife - a perfect role for a star! 
  • (The term 'menat' became used for a protective necklace amulet, both worn and used in ceremonies.)

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