Saturday 1 December 2018

Five Poems

First Poem
Sun-day sun-shine shine-ing down:
the day is bright with light and dew.
The earth awaits the fall of leaves,
as ploughmen turn the soil.

Second Poem
Take, take away, come take away
and hide away the pain, the dark, the fear;
and leave, leave in its place, here in this place,
this place that is my heart, my soul, my song,
instead leave love.

Third Poem
A sparrow sits and seagulls fly.
The earth turns
beneath the autumn sun

Fourth Poem
Forth-forth, forth-forth:
a mighty drum crashes,
the waterfall splashes,
fires burn to ashes,
and the wind blows north.

Fifth Poem
Make of my hand a quill, to spill
so many words upon the page,
to praise Thee and petition Thee,
to flow and grow
as yet I age.

Make of my mouth a song, to sing
so many sounds into the air
to hail Thee and to hasten Thee,
to rise and fall,
for Thou art all, and Thou art near.

Make of my heart a reed, to bring
a little of Thy light to shine,
that others in the dark may find
all that they need is near,
all that they need to praise and to petition Thee,
to hail and fail and hasten Thee,
to flow and grow, to rise and fall
toward the All that art the Thou and I.

(c) ZL 2018

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