Wednesday 29 August 2018

A poem of Sophia

The Selection Panel

Then God said:
Let us make humankind in our image,
according to our likeness...
So God created humankind,
in the image of God, male and female...

We have come a long way since then;
we have travelled from the far south, into the valleys;
we have collected possessions,
we have walked upright,
we have gained - Wisdom?

Is it Wisdom that lays waste the land?
Is it Wisdom that scatters our common humanity?
Is it Wisdom that wants things and things and things?
No: for this is all folly,
the folly of beautiful matter
that cannot transcend but only fragment,
that blinds us to the light of Anima Mundi.

Dark Goddess, Mokosha, Mother,
lead us to live up to our name,
and to turn from Metis;
lead us from the unreal to the real,
lead us from darkness to light,
lead us from death to immortality,
that we may taste and see Your grace and glory.

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