Sunday 26 August 2018

Of nets, webs, and weaving

Question: In the ancient world, the work of the Holy Spirit was known as ‘the net’, reflecting the belief that everything is inter-woven and inter-meshed. What are some examples of things being interwoven with each other?

I would love to know where the use of 'net' for the work of the Holy Spirit actually comes from, that is, which culture, when, where are the references. It is fascinating.

The word 'net' makes me think firstly, and rather obviously, of the technology of the internet which we have all come to rely on so much. And that makes me think of the 'world wide web'. A web is a bit like a net, strands that are woven together. I see in my mind's eye images of spider's webs and of fishing nets (not so keen on those, being vegetarian!).

Nets are knotted together, webs are woven; both can catch and hold things in them, both start small, or can be compressed, but have the ability to spread out and cover a wide area.

To interweave, such as in the creation of nets and webs, is to very closely connect or combine two or more things together. For example:
  • Within our human bodies, all the physical elements, the cells, are interwoven, and our bodies themselves are interwoven with our minds, hearts, and spirits.
  • As individuals, we are interwoven with our families, our friends, our colleagues, our society, and partners may choose a handfasting ceremony to mark their commitment to each other.
  • As a nation we are interwoven with all the other nations – the 'global village'.
  • As creatures living on this planet, our life is interwoven with that of all other creatures, all plants, all micro-organisms, and with the elements of light and dark, air, fire, water, and earth
  • All that our planet supports is interwoven with the cosmos around us, the moon, the planets, the sun and other stars, the 'Milky Way' galaxy, and out into the vastness of what we call 'space' but which is the whole universe.

As Jesus said: Every nature, every modelled form, every creature exists in and with each other. They will dissolve again into their own proper root. For the nature of matter is dissolved into what belongs to its nature. Whoever has ears to hear should hear. (Gospel of Mary Magdalene 7.3-5)

With the image of webs, nets, and weaving in mind, I hope you enjoy my poem, Weaver'.


To Mary our Mother

Warp and weft, warp and weft,
twist the fibres, stretch the yarn,
spin the magic, slide the flyer,
string the loom and thread the heddle:

Warp and weft, warp and weft,
form the shed and pass the thread,
pick the reed and push the fell,
let off, take up, beat, and begin again:

Warp and weft, warp and weft,
weave the cloth, create the fabric,
cast the net across the cosmos,
turn the wheel and set the cycle:

Warp and weft, warp and weft,
dance with angels on a pinhead,
spiral down the double helix,
clothed in flesh, composed of star-dust:

Warp and weft, warp and weft,
blood and sinew, heart and senses,
joy and sorrow, strength and love,
manifest divine in human:

Warp and weft, warp and weft:
Weave it well.

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