Sunday 26 August 2018

Just a little more on the Seal of Solomon

Question: The message of the Star of David/Seal of Solomon has been said to be “harmony in diversity”. How can we as humans truly accept the belief of diversity, when so many shun those who are different or have different beliefs? How do we truly live as diverse human beings and get rid of “the one true way” thought that has destroyed the balance of the hexagram?

That's a big question! I think that we have allowed ourselves to become governed by fear, instead of by love: we want to be accepted, but we are not prepared to accept others unless they conform to our norms; we see our differences, rather than our commonalities, and, because of our fear, we condemn that difference; we classify, categorise, label, judge; we are so egocentric that we fail to see that what we are really doing is judging, and condemning, our selves.

How do we begin to change this? We need to learn to love our selves first; then, from that security, we can begin to learn to love others and to be open to learn from them with humility. As Jesus said: Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; and love your neighbour as yourself

Oh yes, difficult! Try looking in the mirror every day and saying to your self: I love you. And then start acting as if it's true - and it will become so.

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