Wednesday 29 August 2018

Symbol of wholeness

Question: What geometric symbol could be used to represent a paradigm for human wholeness?

I'm not sure why one might need such a symbol... however: A paradigm is that which provides a pattern or model. I believe that the paradigm for human wholeness involves three elements:
  • the integration of masculine and feminine attributes within each individual,
  • the integrated partnership of men and women,
  • and the integration of humanity with the Divine.
To achieve these three will require lots of work of reconciliation, and, very importantly, the development of our consciousness beyond the currently predominant dualist models.

The geometric symbol often used to represent wholeness is the hexagram, which combines the symbol of the feminine V (the vessel) with the symbol of the masculine Λ (the blade). 

However, there seems to me to no reason why only 'the feminine' can be a vessel and 'the masculine' be a blade: allowing for the sliding scale of our personal femininity/masculinity, it is possible for men to be vessels (albeit not in the sense of becoming physically pregnant - but there are other ways of giving birth to creations other than babies) and for women to be blades, to be a dynamic, life-giving force.

While researching other possible symbols, I discovered a lovely "Flower of Aphrodite" symbol:

But to represent that elusive paradigm of human wholeness, my preference is for this, the encircled unicursal hexagram:

Any better ideas anyone?

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