Sunday 26 August 2018

The significance (or not?) of MM

Question: The author Margaret Starbird says that this new third millennium might see the transformation of Christianity with the restoration of Mary Magdalene to her rightful place. Starbird has pointed out elsewhere that Mary Magdalene’s initials (MM = 2000 in Roman numerals) really seem to be communicating that she is the Lady of the 3rd millennium, every year of which will be marked with an MM in Roman Numerals. What do you think? Could this be some kind of “second coming”?

At the time of Jesus, and in the years following his death, I don't think his followers would have used either initials for each other nor, even if they did, use Roman numerals: would they not more likely have used Hebrew or Aramaic?

The letter Mem is the thirteenth letter of the Aleph-Bet, and has the numerical value 40. The pictograph for Mem has been described as looking like 'a wave of water', and I understand that in Jewish mysticism it symbolises the 'spring' of the Torah: 

'Just as the waters of an underground spring
rise upward from an unknown source to reveal themselves,
so does the spring of wisdom rise up from the mysterious Source that is God.' 

There is more information about this on the interesting website:

So although there is a certain charm in Margaret Starbird's suggestion, whose writing is lucid and thought provoking, and it would be great if Mary Magdalene's true place was restored during this millenium, and Christianity transformed, which it certainly needs, I think the significance of MM in Roman numerals as 2000 is stretching the imagination more than a bit.

A former colleague of mine was a numerologist, and certainly her findings about me, based on my names, were rather surprisingly accurate - or at least, accurately interpreted, rather like astrological findings. So, if I'm wrong and there's a Mary Magdalene surge, no problem, bring it/her on! 

However, I at least am bearing in mind that Jesus reportedly said this:

Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.
But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, 
no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.
(Mark 13.31-33 AKJV)

But I do hope by then to be numbered among the wiser virgins! :-)

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