Tuesday 28 August 2018

Magrat's Myth of Creation

Having researched the creation myths of various cultures, I was prompted, just for fun, to write my own - and here it is!

Magrat's Myth of Creation

Once upon a time, there was nothing, no thing, no-thing-ness. And there was no how, no why, no where, no when, no who, no what. What there was was Being. And Being had Imagination and Imagination was full of Potential.

Being spent what might or might not have been a very long time just Being. And just Being was Blissful. But one day, or one night (except there were no days or nights) Being chose to relinquish absolute Bliss and let Imagination have its day, or night, or neither.

Imagination imagined what it might be like not simply to Be Blissful, and not to be the Only One. But that would mean dividing things (or not things) up, so that Being would be light & dark, day & night, sky & not sky, earth & sea, seeding plants & fruiting trees, sun & moon, fish & birds, animals & insects, men & women, humans & gods & goddesses... and Imagination did not like the idea of all that divisiveness.

So then Imagination imagined again: what about Chaos and Order? Or what about Fire and Ice and a Giant and a Cow? (But what is a Giant and what is a Cow?) What about a huge Egg with a Serpent in it? Or a Goose and a Gander that make an even more enormous Egg? What about mixing Water together, some salty and some not salty... but then it would all be just a bit salty... What about some one else to fashion all this, some one who could be called the First Fashioner? And Imagination imagined that that might be good... but also that it might not: Imagination did not want any Fashion Victims!

Potential, who was within Imagination, who was within Being, gave Imagination an imaginary nudge... and Being blissed out. And from that nudge and that blissfulness came a Germ, and the Germ was a Germ of Unity not of Division. And Being and Imagination and Potential distilled themselves into the Germ, such a tiny Germ that it was impossible to see it, if there had been any one with eyes to see; and it was such a quiet Germ that no one could hear it, if there had been any one with ears to hear. And the Germ waited, and Being was within the Germ, and Imagination imagined within the Germ, and Potential was potential within the Germ... and then BANG!!!

The Germ, which contained Being and Imagination and Potential, realised that it was a Singularity, and, therefore, Infinite; so instead of being the tiniest of tiny things, although, of course, there were no things, it became Infinity - Infinity exploding and expanding and scattering and tunnelling. 

And from that Singular Germ light and gravity and particles came into Being; and within that light and that gravity and those particles was the Potential for all other things also to come into Being, evolving their selves into the universes that our great great great grandparents knew, that we know, and that our great great great grandchildren will know. And all the Beings that ever were and ever are and ever will be are all parts of the Image of Being. And, best of all, all that came from that Singularity Germ, which is, literally, every thing, all is part of the same Being, part of the One Being: if you are human, you have DNA in common with trees, fish, insects, butterflies, animals; you are made of the same elements as the clouds, the earth, the moon, the sun, the stars.

And that is how every thing came into Being. And that is why we are all full of Potential and Imagination. And that is why we are all One.

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