Sunday 2 September 2018

Angels and Archangels... and the Tree of Life

Several months ago, while studying the Kabbalah and the Sephirot/Tree of Life, I was asked to write a list of all the divine images that appealed to me, and to write about them and what their purpose was.

I wasn't quite sure what 'divine images' the questioner had in mind. What had been foremost to me in the examination of the Sephirot was the place of the Angels and Archangels, including the Beni Elohim, the Children of God, who are said to allow us to perceive Divinity in its many aspects, to 'literally take on the shapes of Gods and the Goddesses so that we can perceive and understand the Divine'.  So rather than write about 'divine images' I decided to take the opportunity to examine a little more deeply the various angelic realms and their archangels.

The Tree of Life itself has been said to illustrate how God expresses divine creative energy throughout the universe, through angels, and to human beings. Each of the Sephirot (emanations or attributes) symbolise a different type of creative force, overseen by a different Archangel. By focussing on the different energies or aspects we can perhaps develop a deeper, different, or new understanding of the Divine nature/Being. 

Please bear in mind that, for me anyway, all this is very much a delve into the realms of metaphor and symbol, not of actuality. 

I love this modern interpretation of the Tree of Life as a tube map, with the Sephirot as stations!

Kether, the Crown, is the realm of the Chaiot/Chayot angels led by the Archangel Metatron, the Angel of Life and 'Keeper of the Watch', who guards the Tree. He is also known as the Recording Angel, the 'Chancellor of Heaven', the 'Angel of the Presence', and the bridge between heaven and earth.

The Archangel Raziel, and the Auphanim (the 'Wheels of the Chariot' - or Throne - of God), are associated with Chockmah (the Sephirah of Wisdom) and are agents of divine wisdom throughout creation. Raziel, the 'angel of mysteries', represents the way in which divine light may be brought to bear on those things which confuse us (bring it on, Raziel!) thus enabling our understanding and increase in knowledge. 

Understanding is also key to the Sephirah Binah, represented by the Aralim/Erelim ('Thrones' or 'Valiant Ones') and the Archangel Tzaphkiel, often depicted as female, who expresses the unconditional love of God, and enables our own empathy and compassion.

Empathy is also key to the Sephirah Chesed (Mercy) whose angelic troupe, the brilliant Chasmalim (or Hashmallim), led by the Archangel Zadkiel, inspire people to be kind/merciful/forgiving to others as God is kind/merciful/forgiving to them.

So: so far, we have identified different aspects of the Divine, as represented on the Tree of Life (through the Sephirot and the associated angels/Archangels) as including watchfulness/guardianship, wisdom & understanding, and unconditional love. We have also identified that we need treat others as God treats us: with mercy, compassion, and forgiveness.

The next Sephirah, Gevurah, is associated with the Archangel Samael, who exercises the power of God, and represents the strength needed within relationships - with God and with each other...

… while Tiphareth (and the Archangel Raphael) is an expression of the healing power of God - a very necessary component of our human relational lives, with others and with our selves, as well as with God. 

Balancing this, the Archangel Haniel (of the Sephirah Netzach) is a joyful, feminine character...

… while the Archangel Michael (of Hod and the Beni Elohim) is an expression of God's glory - including the glorious possibilities of our own lives. 

The final two Sephirot, Yesod, the foundation, and Malkuth, the kingdom, associated respectively with the Archangels Gabriel and the Cherubim …

… and Sandalphon and the angelic choir of Ashim/Ishim, manifest the way in which God communicates with us, and the priority of keeping the channels open between the human and the divine.

I hope you got all that - and any mistakes are mine! Phew!

Just a thought about the Qabalah Tree of Life Sephirot:

As the Chakra system is a way of stepping down the Universal Energy into the Endocrine system, so the Tree of Life/Sephirot is a way of stepping down the Universal Energy/Divinity into our Spiritual system! 

That was my little light-bulb moment of insight last night, and the Tree of Life has now clicked into place for me. Hurrah!

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