Monday 3 September 2018

We are stardust...

Question: What do you know about the Astral plane and Astral Projection?

Response: Not a lot, until I did some research! Here's what I found out.

The Astral Plane, also known as the Astral World, is a plane of existence postulated by classical, medieval, oriental, and esoteric philosophers and mystery religions, and the term was popularised in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by Theosophists and Rosicrucians.

The use of the term 'astral' (literally, relating to the stars) derived from the concept that the stars were composed of a different type of matter to that of the Earth, and that the human psyche is composed of that same ethereal element - which is why the stars influence human life: they are the intermediaries between earth and the Divine. Of course, in fact we are all made of the same stuff as the stars: we are, literally, star dust. Which is something of a 'wow' thought. But anyway, returning to the astral plane...

Some contend that the astral plane is the realm which the soul, in its astral body, crosses both before birth and after death - a liminal zone, populated by immaterial ('astral') beings, such as angels and spirits, including, according to some, elemental spirits such as faeries and sylphs, not all of whom are kind.

For others the astral plane is the spiritual world where souls go after death on Earth to continue to live out a non-physical life, which latter understanding is conflated by some with the concept of heaven/paradise/union with God.

For yet others, the astral plane is where the souls of those who have died work out the seeds of past karma, either through astral or earthly re-/incarnations, until the soul is ready to move 'upwards' and eventually attain unification.

Some contend that there are sub-divisions or 'resonances' within the astral plane (lower, higher, emotional-psychic, and mental-psychic) and that the emotional plane corresponds to the Yetzirah (the third of the four worlds of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, and to do with formation), linked with the acquisition of powers and abilities and to ritual magick.

My preferred definition is that the astral plane is that subtle body of reality which is beyond the etheric.

It is said that the astral plane can be visited through such means/experiences as astral projection, meditation, visions, near death experience, and lucid dreams. It has been accessed by the Dreaming of Australian Aborigines, and by Shamanism, and is represented as the Duat of the ancient Egyptians, the Bardo of the Tibetans, and the Baarzakh or Mithral of Islam.

Astral projection, also known as astral travelling, is the projection of our own astral body, often when the individual is lying relaxed or asleep, transferring the field of consciousness from physical to psychic, such that the astral body 'travels' to different places both on earth and in the astral world - and can be seen by those who have 'the sight'.

On balance, I'd rather listen to the wonderful Joni Mitchell:


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