Monday 3 September 2018

A couple of symbols

A bit of 'symbology':

Squared circle:
A circle is a common sign found in all cultures. It is the symbol of the sun, of completeness, of eternity, and of the soul. It can also symbolise boundary & enclosure, completion, and returning, as well as representing the infinite, the immeasurable, the spiritual world, while the square represents the manifest, measurable and comprehensive world. Together they may symbolise the conjunction of eternity and time, of matter and spirit, or of heaven and earth. The square circle also represents the inter-relation of male (the square) and the female (the circle) - thus a metaphor of unity.
In alchemy a triangle within a circle within a square was used (from the 17th century) to represent the philosopher's stone - the ultimate goal of alchemy. In the 1618 book by Michael Maier 'Atalanta Fugiens' there is an illustration of a man using a compass to draw a circle around a circle within a square within a triangle; and within the smaller circle are a man and a woman, the design thought to represent the uniting of the two halves of human nature through alchemy.

In geometry, 'squaring the circle' was a long standing puzzle, said to have been proved impossible in 1882, and the expression is used as a metaphor for the attempt to achieve the known impossible. As an image, Vitruvian Man may or may not help!

Chalice and Blade:
Traditionally, the blade is considered a symbol of masculinity - a phallic representation of strength - as well as being symbolic of aspiration and of fire. Its image is that of the upward moving triangle
The downward moving triangle, or chalice, represents the female/feminine/goddess - a receptive vessel of life. It is also the symbol of water, of the grace of heaven, and of the womb.
Together, the blade and the chalice form the Star of David (or Seal of Solomon, in which the lines of the two triangles are inter-woven), representing balance and union - of male/female, god/goddess - and the Sacred Marriage.

However, it has been suggested that every woman has her own blade, and every man his chalice, since each person is whole and complete in and of themselves, and not co-dependent with a partner. The blade held within by the woman is the concept of masculine strength; the chalice held within a man is the divine feminine. When soul mates meet, they both unite and exchange their blades and chalices, thus superseding the purely physical, sexual aspects of bodily love with unity of spirit. An interesting idea!

I also find it interesting to think that, like the hand game scissors, rock, paper, it is water that has the potential to overwhelm fire: the best that fire can do is to make hot water! :-)

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