Thursday 6 September 2018

The time of Kali Yuga?

Question: Do you believe that we are currently living in the "time of the Kali Yuga"?

According to the Hindu Yuga Cycle doctrine, since 3102 BCE (around the time of Egypt's Old Kingdom) we have been living in the fourth and final stage of Kali Yuga, the age of darkness, strife, and discord, when the World Soul is Black, virtue is dwindling away to nothing, there is disease, lethargy, anger, anguish, a fear of scarcity, and natural calamities. The Kali Yuga was preceded by the white Krita Yuga, the red Treta Yuga, and the yellow Dwapara Yuga, the cycle being based on the Saptarsi Calendar. The Kali Yuga is believed by some to be due to end in 2025, to be succeeded again by the Krita Yuga, the start of the ascending cycle, and so on.

This idea of ascending and descending cycles of ages was also present in Greek (Platonic) thought and Mayan mythology, and some believe that archaeological evidence points towards a recurrent pattern of devastation, with the Earth being affected by series of cataclysmic events every 2,700 years. So by 2025 we can expect cataclysmic earth changes, indicated by climate and tectonic changes, and the collapse of civilisation - both of which are the characteristics of transitional periods - before we enter a period of enhanced consciousness.

I somewhat surprise myself by finding that this concept of the cycle of ages makes sense to me. My experience of human life and the natural life of the planet, so far as it is possible to discern it through the intrusions of human interests and exploitation, are indeed cyclical. And there can be no doubt that our supposed 'civilisation' has gone from bad to worse throughout the course of recorded history, although I am always sceptical of the concept of a past 'Golden Age'. But if that 'Golden Age' is to recur, then that can only be good. My wish and prayer would be that we might learn from the horrors of this current Age so that it can never be so bad again.

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