Monday 3 September 2018

Apocalypse Now?

Question: Do you believe the Apocalypse describes events yet to come? Could a return to balance between male and female divine principles help avoid such a destruction? 

Elements described in the Book of Revelation already exist, and have done for centuries: war, famine, pestilence, the laying waste of the earth. And we may well be heading for an apocalyptic finale to life on Earth - not due to 'natural causes' such as volcanic eruption, meteor strike, the cooling of the Earth's core, all of which are rather nicely brought together under the term the 'Medea hypothesis' (Medea killed her own children) but rather due to the actions and neglections of people - specifically through over-population, and the massive and unsustainable exploitation of Earth's resources.

Could this be changed by a return to the balance between male and female divine partners? It would be great if it could, if we could see our selves, each other and the whole of creation as living beings, composites of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual, all equally valuable and entitled to life and growth and restoration. If we could get beyond the limiting and somewhat insulting dualism of' 'male' and 'female', in terms of the divine and the human, that would be good too. But I'm not holding my breath.

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